Contains a set of events that are available across the scope of the World.


This event fires for each BlockLocation destroyed by an explosion. It is fired after the blocks have already been destroyed.

This event fires when a button is pushed.

This event is triggered after a chat message has been broadcast or sent to players.

This event is fired when an entity event has been triggered that will update the component definition state of an entity.

This event fires when an effect, like poisoning, is added to an entity.

This event fires when an entity dies.

This event fires when entity health changes in any degree.

This event fires when an entity hits (that is, melee attacks) a block.

This event fires when an entity hits (that is, melee attacks) another entity.

This event fires when an entity is hurt (takes damage).

Fires when an entity is loaded.

Fires when an entity is removed (for example, potentially unloaded, or removed after being killed).

This event fires when an entity is spawned.

This event is fired after an explosion occurs.

This event fires when a world.gameRules property has changed.

This event fires when a chargeable item completes charging.

This event fires when a chargeable item is released from charging.

This event fires when a chargeable item starts charging.

This event fires when a player successfully uses an item or places a block by pressing the Use Item / Place Block button. If multiple blocks are placed, this event will only occur once at the beginning of the block placement. Note: This event cannot be used with Hoe or Axe items.

This event fires when a chargeable item stops charging.

This event fires when a player releases the Use Item / Place Block button after successfully using an item. Note: This event cannot be used with Hoe or Axe items.

This event fires when an item is successfully used by a player.

This event fires when an item is used on a block by a player.

A lever has been pulled.

This event is an internal implementation detail, and is otherwise not currently functional.

This event fires when a piston expands or retracts.

This event fires for a block that is broken by a player.

This event fires when an InputButton state is changed.

Fires when a player moved to a different dimension.

This event fires when a player's InputMode changes.

playerInputPermissionCategoryChange: PlayerInputPermissionCategoryChangeAfterEventSignal

This event fires when a players input permissions change.

An event for when a player interacts with a block.

This event fires when a player interacts with an entity.

This event fires when a player joins a world. See also playerSpawn for another related event you can trap for when a player is spawned the first time within a world.

This event fires when a player leaves a world.

This event fires for a block that is placed by a player.

This event fires when a player spawns or respawns. Note that an additional flag within this event will tell you whether the player is spawning right after join vs. a respawn.

A pressure plate has popped back up (i.e., there are no entities on the pressure plate.)

A pressure plate has pushed (at least one entity has moved onto a pressure plate.)

This event fires when a projectile hits a block.

This event fires when a projectile hits an entity.

A target block was hit.

A trip wire was tripped.

This event will be triggered when the weather changes within Minecraft.