表示一个世界。包含了世界的各种状态,即一系列维度以及 Minecraft 的环境。

A class that wraps the state of a world - a set of dimensions and the environment of Minecraft.


afterEvents: WorldAfterEvents

Contains a set of events that are applicable to the entirety of the world. Event callbacks are called in a deferred manner. Event callbacks are executed in read-write mode.

beforeEvents: WorldBeforeEvents

Contains a set of events that are applicable to the entirety of the world. Event callbacks are called immediately. Event callbacks are executed in read-only mode.

import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

function customCommand(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
const chatCallback = world.beforeEvents.chatSend.subscribe((eventData) => {
if (eventData.message.includes("cancel")) {
// Cancel event if the message contains "cancel"
eventData.cancel = true;
} else {
const args = eventData.message.split(" ");

if (args.length > 0) {
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "echo":
// Send a modified version of chat message
world.sendMessage(`Echo '${eventData.message.substring(4).trim()}'`);
case "help":
world.sendMessage(`Available commands: echo <message>`);
gameRules: GameRules

The game rules that apply to the world.

isHardcore: boolean
scoreboard: Scoreboard


Returns the general global scoreboard that applies to the world.

structureManager: StructureManager

Returns the manager for Structure related APIs.


  • beta 世界修改


    • id: string

      The message identifier.

    • value: string

      The message.

    返回 void

    A method that is internal-only, used for broadcasting specific messages between client and server.

  • 返回 void

    Clears the set of dynamic properties declared for this behavior pack within the world.

  • 返回 number


    获取自游戏开始以来流逝的时间(计算公式:day*24000+daytime)。 时间的流逝受到游戏规则 dodaylightcycle 的影响。

    Returns the absolute time since the start of the world.

  • 返回 Player[]



    Returns an array of all active players within the world.

    This function can throw errors.

  • 返回 number

    The current day, determined by the world time divided by the number of ticks per day. New worlds start at day 0.

    Returns the current day.

  • 返回 Vector3

    The default Overworld spawn location. By default, the Y coordinate is 32767, indicating a player's spawn height is not fixed and will be determined by surrounding blocks.

    Returns the default Overworld spawn location.

  • 参数

    • dimensionId: string


      The name of the dimension. For example, "overworld", "nether" or "the_end".

    返回 Dimension

    dimensionId 关联的维度对象。

    The requested dimension

    dimensionId 获取维度对象。

    Returns a dimension object.

    dimensionId 不与任何维度关联,抛出 "Dimension '<dimensionId>' is invalid"

    Throws if the given dimension name is invalid

  • 参数

    • identifier: string


      The property identifier.

    返回 string | number | boolean | Vector3

    返回动态属性 identifier 的值。属性的值尚未设定时,返回 undefined

    Returns the value for the property, or undefined if the property has not been set.

    获取由 identifier 指定的世界中已定义的动态属性的值。

    Returns a property value.

    若并未注册以 identifier 为标识符的动态属性,抛出 "Dynamic Property '<identifier>' is not defined"

    Throws if the given dynamic property identifier is not defined.

    import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

    function incrementDynamicProperty(
    log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
    targetLocation: DimensionLocation
    ) {
    let number = world.getDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:number");

    log("Current value is: " + number);

    if (number === undefined) {
    number = 0;

    if (typeof number !== "number") {
    log("Number is of an unexpected type.");
    return -1;

    world.setDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:number", number + 1);
    import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

    function incrementDynamicPropertyInJsonBlob(
    log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
    targetLocation: DimensionLocation
    ) {
    let paintStr = world.getDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:longerjson");
    let paint: { color: string; intensity: number } | undefined = undefined;

    log("Current value is: " + paintStr);

    if (paintStr === undefined) {
    paint = {
    color: "purple",
    intensity: 0,
    } else {
    if (typeof paintStr !== "string") {
    log("Paint is of an unexpected type.");
    return -1;

    try {
    paint = JSON.parse(paintStr);
    } catch (e) {
    log("Error parsing serialized struct.");
    return -1;

    if (!paint) {
    log("Error parsing serialized struct.");
    return -1;

    paintStr = JSON.stringify(paint); // be very careful to ensure your serialized JSON str cannot exceed limits
    world.setDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:longerjson", paintStr);
  • 返回 string[]

    A string array of active dynamic property identifiers.

    Gets a set of dynamic property identifiers that have been set in this world.

  • 返回 number

    Gets the total byte count of dynamic properties. This could potentially be used for your own analytics to ensure you're not storing gigantic sets of dynamic properties.

  • 参数

    • id: string

      The id of the entity.

    返回 Entity

    The requested entity object.

    Returns an entity based on the provided id.

    Throws if the given entity id is invalid.

  • 参数

    • 可选options: EntityQueryOptions


      注意,不能使用接口中的 typelocationmaxDistanceminDistancevolume 属性。

      Additional options that can be used to filter the set of players returned.

    返回 Player[]

    A player array.

    列出世界上的玩家,可使用 options 指定的实体查询选项对其进行筛选。

    Returns a set of players based on a set of conditions defined via the EntityQueryOptions set of filter criteria.

    若向 options 传入的对象含有 type 属性,抛出 "command.generic.invalidPlayerType"

    若向 options 传入的对象含有 locationmaxDistanceminDistancevolume 属性,抛出 "EntityQueryOptions property '<property>' is incompatible with function world.getPlayers"

    Throws if the provided EntityQueryOptions are invalid.

  • 返回 number

    当前一天中的时间,以刻为单位,为 024000 之间的整数。

    The time of day, in ticks, between 0 and 24000.


    Returns the time of day.

  • 世界修改


    • trackId: string

      声音项目的标识符,要求声音项目的类别为音乐(category: music)。

    • 可选musicOptions: MusicOptions


    返回 void


    Plays a particular music track for all players.

    This function can throw errors.

    import { world, MusicOptions, WorldSoundOptions, PlayerSoundOptions, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

    function playMusicAndSound(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) {
    const players = world.getPlayers();

    const musicOptions: MusicOptions = {
    fade: 0.5,
    loop: true,
    volume: 1.0,
    world.playMusic("music.menu", musicOptions);

    const worldSoundOptions: WorldSoundOptions = {
    pitch: 0.5,
    volume: 4.0,
    world.playSound("ambient.weather.thunder", targetLocation, worldSoundOptions);

    const playerSoundOptions: PlayerSoundOptions = {
    pitch: 1.0,
    volume: 1.0,

    players[0].playSound("bucket.fill_water", playerSoundOptions);
  • 世界修改


    • trackId: string

      声音项目的标识符,要求声音项目的类别为音乐(category: music)。

      Identifier of the music track to play.

    • 可选musicOptions: MusicOptions


      Additional options for the music track.

    返回 void


    Queues an additional music track for players. If a track is not playing, a music track will play.

    An error will be thrown if volume is less than 0.0. An error will be thrown if fade is less than 0.0.

  • 参数

    • message: string | RawMessage | (string | RawMessage)[]

      将要广播的一段消息。 这段消息可能是一段字符串,或者符合 RawMessage 接口的对象,或是这两种类型的组合。

      The message to be displayed.

    返回 void


    Sends a message to all players.

    该方法在 message 格式不正确时会抛出错误。例如 scorename 为空字符串时。

    This method can throw if the provided RawMessage is in an invalid format. For example, if an empty name string is provided to score.

  • 世界修改


    • absoluteTime: number

      The world time, in ticks.

    返回 void

    Sets the world time.

  • beta


    • values: Record<string, string | number | boolean | Vector3>

      A Record of key value pairs of the dynamic properties to set.

    返回 void

    Sets multiple dynamic properties with specific values.

    This function can throw errors.

  • 参数

    • identifier: string


      The property identifier.

    • 可选value: string | number | boolean | Vector3


      Data value of the property to set.

    返回 void

    为世界动态属性 identifier 设置一个值。

    Sets a specified property to a value.

    若并未注册以 identifier 为标识符的动态属性,抛出 "Dynamic Property '<identifier>' is not defined"

    若动态属性的类型不符合值的类型,抛出 "Type mismatch for dynamic property '<identifier>'"

    若动态属性的类型为字符串,且值在使用 UTF-8 编码后的字节长度大于动态属性所允许的最大长度,抛出 "Maximum string length exceeded (<length>/<maxLength>) for dynamic property '<identifier>'"

    Throws if the given dynamic property identifier is not defined.

    import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

    function incrementDynamicProperty(
    log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
    targetLocation: DimensionLocation
    ) {
    let number = world.getDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:number");

    log("Current value is: " + number);

    if (number === undefined) {
    number = 0;

    if (typeof number !== "number") {
    log("Number is of an unexpected type.");
    return -1;

    world.setDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:number", number + 1);
    import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";

    function incrementDynamicPropertyInJsonBlob(
    log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
    targetLocation: DimensionLocation
    ) {
    let paintStr = world.getDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:longerjson");
    let paint: { color: string; intensity: number } | undefined = undefined;

    log("Current value is: " + paintStr);

    if (paintStr === undefined) {
    paint = {
    color: "purple",
    intensity: 0,
    } else {
    if (typeof paintStr !== "string") {
    log("Paint is of an unexpected type.");
    return -1;

    try {
    paint = JSON.parse(paintStr);
    } catch (e) {
    log("Error parsing serialized struct.");
    return -1;

    if (!paint) {
    log("Error parsing serialized struct.");
    return -1;

    paintStr = JSON.stringify(paint); // be very careful to ensure your serialized JSON str cannot exceed limits
    world.setDynamicProperty("samplelibrary:longerjson", paintStr);
  • 世界修改


    • timeOfDay: number

      The time of day, in ticks, between 0 and 24000.

    返回 void

    Sets the time of day.

    Throws if the provided time of day is not within the valid range.

  • 世界修改

    返回 void


    Stops any music tracks from playing.