sizeThe block location relative to the Structure's origin.
Returns a BlockPermutation. Returns undefined if a block does not exist at the given location.
Returns a BlockPermutation representing the block contained within the Structure at the given location.
Throws if the location is outside the structure's bounds. Throws if the Structure has been deleted.
The block location relative to the Structure's origin.
Returns whether the block at the given location is waterlogged. Returns false if a block does not exist at the given location.
Throws if the location is outside the structure's bounds. Throws if the Structure has been deleted.
The name of the newly created Structure.
saveMode: StructureSaveModeDetermines how the Structure should be saved. Defaults to saving to the world.
Returns the newly created structure.
Throws if the identifier is invalid. A valid identifier must include a namespace and must be unique. Throws if the Structure has been deleted.
The block location relative to the Structure's origin.
blockPermutation: BlockPermutationThe BlockPermutation to set.
waterlogged: booleanSpecifies whether the block should be waterlogged. Air and undefined blocks cannot be waterlogged.
Throws if the type of block is StructureVoid. Throws if the block is undefined and waterlogged is set to true. Throws if the block is air and waterlogged is set to true. Throws if the location is outside the structure's bounds. Throws if the Structure has been deleted.
Represents a loaded structure template (.mcstructure file). Structures can be placed in a world using the /structure command or the StructureManager APIs.