Manager for Structure related APIs. Includes APIs for creating, getting, placing and deleting Structures.


  • 世界修改


    • identifier: string

      The name of the structure. A valid identifier must include a namespace and must be unique.

    • dimension: Dimension

      The dimension where the blocks should be read from.

    • from: Vector3
    • to: Vector3
    • 可选options: StructureCreateOptions

      Additional options for creating a structure from the world.

    返回 Structure

    Returns the newly created Structure.

    Creates a new Structure from blocks in the world. This is functionally equivalent to the /structure save command.

    Throws if the identifier is invalid. A valid identifier must include a namespace and must be unique. Throws if the structure bounds exceed the maximum size. Throws if the structure bounds contains blocks outside the world bounds.


  • 世界修改


    • structure: string | Structure

      The structure identifier or Structure object that should be deleted. Note, a Structure object will become invalid after it is deleted.

    返回 boolean

    Returns whether the structure was removed.

    Deletes a structure from memory and from the world if it exists.

    Throws if a structure cannot be removed. For example, a structure loaded from a Behavior Pack.


  • 世界修改


    • identifier: string

      The name of the structure to get.

    返回 Structure

    Returns a Structure if it exists, otherwise undefined.

    Gets a Structure that is saved to memory or the world.

  • beta 世界修改


    • pool: string

      The identifier of the template pool to start from.

    • targetJigsaw: string

      The name of the jigsaw block to start from. This block must be included in at least one of the starting pool structure templates.

    • maxDepth: number

      The maximum recursion depth for the jigsaw structure.

    • dimension: Dimension

      The dimension to place the jigsaw structure in.

    • location: Vector3

      The location where the jigsaw structure will begin generating relative to the targetJigsaw block.

    • 可选options: JigsawPlaceOptions

      Optional settings to use when generating the jigsaw structure.

    返回 BoundingBox

    Returns a BoundingBox object which represents the maximum bounds of the jigsaw structure.

    Places a partial jigsaw structure in the world. This is useful for debugging connections between jigsaw blocks.

    Throws if maxDepth is outside of the range [1,20] Throws if generation fails due to invalid parameters or jigsaw configuration. Throws if the placement location contains blocks that are outside the world bounds.


  • beta 世界修改


    • identifier: string

      The identifier of the jigsaw structure.

    • dimension: Dimension

      The dimension to place the jigsaw structure in.

    • location: Vector3

      The location where the jigsaw structure will begin generating. Note that the y value will be overridden by the structure's start height unless the ignoreStarJigsawStructurePlaceOptions ignoreStartHeight option is set.

    • 可选options: JigsawStructurePlaceOptions

      Optional settings to use when generating the jigsaw structure.

    返回 BoundingBox

    Returns a BoundingBox object which represents the maximum bounds of the jigsaw structure.

    Places a jigsaw structure in the world.

    Throws if generation fails due to invalid parameters or jigsaw configuration. Throws if the placement location contains blocks that are outside the world bounds.
