visibleSet whether or not the selection volume is visible to the client user. NOTE: Use this option carefully - Selection volumes are generally server-only, but marking a volume as visible causes the volume (and all volume operations) to be synchronized with the client game which can potentially generate excessive network traffic.
Fetch a block iterator which can be used to step across the Selection shape. Each call to the iterator will return the next block location within the Selection bounds which is actually selected. Block iteration is not guaranteed to be contiguous - it is possible to create irregular selection shapes by adding volumes to a selection which may or may not be contiguous or adjacent to other volumes within the selection. The Block iterator will return only selected volume locations
forceRelativity: CompoundBlockVolumePositionRelativitySee the description for minecraftserver.CompoundBlockVolume.peekLastVolume
Returns undefined if the stack is empty
minecraftserver.CompoundBlockVolume - set the block component part of this selection to the specified compound block volume. This will completely replace all block volume definitions in the selection. Selection - replace the selection with the specified selection
The Selection represents a volume in space, which may potentially be made up of one or more block locations. These block locations do not need to be contiguous, and a Selection represent an irregular shape. It's important to note that a Selection is only a representation of the volume shape space - and does NOT represent the actual contents of the space.