接口 EntityRaycastOptions

Contains additional options for an entity raycast operation.

interface EntityRaycastOptions {
    excludeFamilies?: string[];
    excludeGameModes?: GameMode[];
    excludeNames?: string[];
    excludeTags?: string[];
    excludeTypes?: string[];
    families?: string[];
    gameMode?: GameMode;
    ignoreBlockCollision?: boolean;
    includeLiquidBlocks?: boolean;
    includePassableBlocks?: boolean;
    maxDistance?: number;
    maxHorizontalRotation?: number;
    maxLevel?: number;
    maxVerticalRotation?: number;
    minHorizontalRotation?: number;
    minLevel?: number;
    minVerticalRotation?: number;
    name?: string;
    propertyOptions?: EntityQueryPropertyOptions[];
    scoreOptions?: EntityQueryScoreOptions[];
    tags?: string[];
    type?: string;

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excludeFamilies?: string[]

Excludes entities that match one or more of the specified families.

excludeGameModes?: GameMode[]

Excludes entities if have a specific gamemode that matches the specified gamemode.

excludeNames?: string[]

Excludes entities that have a name that match one of the specified values.

excludeTags?: string[]

Excludes entities with a tag that matches one of the specified values.

excludeTypes?: string[]

Excludes entities if they are one of the specified types.

families?: string[]

If specified, includes entities that match all of the specified families.

gameMode?: GameMode

If specified, includes entities with a gamemode that matches the specified gamemode.

ignoreBlockCollision?: boolean

If true, blocks will not be considered as blocks that 'stop' the raycast.

includeLiquidBlocks?: boolean

If true, liquid blocks will be considered as blocks that 'stop' the raycast.

includePassableBlocks?: boolean

If true, passable blocks like vines and flowers will be considered as blocks that 'stop' the raycast.

maxDistance?: number

Maximum distance, in blocks, to process the raycast.

maxHorizontalRotation?: number

If specified, will only include entities that have at most this horizontal rotation.

maxLevel?: number

If defined, only players that have at most this level are returned.

maxVerticalRotation?: number

If specified, only entities that have at most this vertical rotation are returned.

minHorizontalRotation?: number

If specified, will only include entities that have at a minimum this horizontal rotation.

minLevel?: number

If defined, only players that have at least this level are returned.

minVerticalRotation?: number

If specified, will only include entities that have at least this vertical rotation.

name?: string

Includes entities with the specified name.

propertyOptions?: EntityQueryPropertyOptions[]
scoreOptions?: EntityQueryScoreOptions[]

Gets/sets a collection of EntityQueryScoreOptions objects with filters for specific scoreboard objectives.

tags?: string[]

Includes entities that match all of the specified tags.

type?: string

If defined, entities that match this type are included.