枚举 PaletteColor

Enum containing colors to be used with EntityColorComponent and EntityColor2Component


Black: 15

Hex color #1D1D21

Blue: 11

Hex color #3C44AA

Brown: 12

Hex color #835432

Cyan: 9

Hex color #169C9C

Gray: 7

Hex color #474F52

Green: 13

Hex color #5E7C16

LightBlue: 3

Hex color #3AB3DA

Lime: 5

Hex color #80C71F

Magenta: 2

Hex color #C74EBD

Orange: 1

Hex color #F9801D

Pink: 6

Hex color #F38BAA

Purple: 10

Hex color #8932B8

Red: 14

Hex color #B02E26

Silver: 8

Hex color #9D9D97

White: 0

Hex color #f0f0f0

Yellow: 4

Hex color #FED83D