枚举 EntityDamageCause

Describes the source of damage from an Entity.


anvil: "anvil"

Damage caused by a falling anvil.

blockExplosion: "blockExplosion"

Damage caused from a non-Entity explosion. For example, an exploding bed.

campfire: "campfire"

Damage caused by Campfires.

charging: "charging"


contact: "contact"

Damage caused by physically touching an Entity or Block. For example, touching a Sweet Berry bush or Pufferfish.

drowning: "drowning"

Damage caused by an Entity being out of air and inside a liquid block.

entityAttack: "entityAttack"

Damage caused by an Entity attack.

entityExplosion: "entityExplosion"

Damage caused by an Entity explosion. For example, a Creeper or Wither.

fall: "fall"

Damage caused by falling onto the ground.

fallingBlock: "fallingBlock"

Damage caused by falling blocks. Note: Anvils and Stalactites have their own damage causes.

fire: "fire"

Damage caused by catching on fire.

fireTick: "fireTick"

Damage caused by burning over time.

fireworks: "fireworks"

Damage caused by fireworks.

flyIntoWall: "flyIntoWall"

Damage caused by flying into a wall at high speed while gliding with Elytra.

freezing: "freezing"

Damage caused by staying inside a Powder Snow block.

lava: "lava"

Damage caused by touching a Lava block.

lightning: "lightning"

Damage caused by being struck by lightning.

maceSmash: "maceSmash"
magic: "magic"

Damage caused by magical attacks. For example, Evoker Fang or Conduit Block.

magma: "magma"

Damage caused by touching a Magma block.

none: "none"

Damage caused by no source. For example, from a command or script.

override: "override"

Damage caused by an indirect source. For example, setting a mob's health to 0 in a behavior pack.

piston: "piston"

Damage caused by a Piston.

projectile: "projectile"

Damage caused by a projectile.

ramAttack: "ramAttack"

Damage caused by Goat ramming.

selfDestruct: "selfDestruct"

Damage caused by the /kill command.

sonicBoom: "sonicBoom"

Damage caused by the Warden's Sonic Boom attack.

soulCampfire: "soulCampfire"

Damage caused by a Soul Campfire.

stalactite: "stalactite"

Damage caused by a falling Stalactite block.

stalagmite: "stalagmite"

Damage caused by touching a Stalagmite block.

starve: "starve"

Damage caused over time by having an empty hunger bar.

suffocation: "suffocation"

Damage caused by an Entity being out of air and inside a non-liquid block.

temperature: "temperature"

Damage caused by an Entity being in an inhabitable climate. For example, a Snow Golem in a biome with a temperature greater than 1.

thorns: "thorns"

Damage caused by the Thorns armor enchantment and by the Guardian thorns effect.

void: "void"

Damage caused over time by falling into the void.

wither: "wither"

Damage caused by the Wither effect. For example, from touching a Wither Rose.