枚举 EntityComponentTypes

The types of entity components that are accessible via function Entity.getComponent.


AddRider: "minecraft:addrider"

When added, this component makes the entity spawn with a rider of the specified entityType.

Ageable: "minecraft:ageable"

Adds a timer for the entity to grow up. It can be accelerated by giving the entity the items it likes as defined by feedItems.

Breathable: "minecraft:breathable"

Defines what blocks this entity can breathe in and gives them the ability to suffocate.

CanClimb: "minecraft:can_climb"

When added, this component signifies that the entity can climb up ladders.

CanFly: "minecraft:can_fly"

When added, this component signifies that the entity can fly, and the pathfinder won't be restricted to paths where a solid block is required underneath it.

CanPowerJump: "minecraft:can_power_jump"

When added, this component signifies that the entity can power jump like the horse does within Minecraft.

Color: "minecraft:color"

Defines the entity's color. Only works on certain entities that have predefined color values (e.g., sheep, llama, shulker).

Color2: "minecraft:color2"

Defines the entity's secondary color. Only works on certain entities that have predefined secondary color values (e.g., tropical fish).

CursorInventory: "minecraft:cursor_inventory"
Equippable: "minecraft:equippable"

Provides access to a mob's equipment slots. This component exists for all mob entities.

FireImmune: "minecraft:fire_immune"

When added, this component signifies that this entity doesn't take damage from fire.

FloatsInLiquid: "minecraft:floats_in_liquid"

When added, this component signifies that this entity can float in liquid blocks.

FlyingSpeed: "minecraft:flying_speed"

Represents the flying speed of an entity.

FrictionModifier: "minecraft:friction_modifier"

Defines how much friction affects this entity.

GroundOffset: "minecraft:ground_offset"

Sets the offset from the ground that the entity is actually at.

Healable: "minecraft:healable"

Defines the interactions with this entity for healing it.

Health: "minecraft:health"

Defines the health properties of an entity.

Inventory: "minecraft:inventory"

Defines this entity's inventory properties.

IsBaby: "minecraft:is_baby"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is a baby.

IsCharged: "minecraft:is_charged"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is charged.

IsChested: "minecraft:is_chested"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently carrying a chest.

IsDyeable: "minecraft:is_dyeable"

When added, this component signifies that dyes can be used on this entity to change its color.

IsHiddenWhenInvisible: "minecraft:is_hidden_when_invisible"

When added, this component signifies that this entity can hide from hostile mobs while invisible.

IsIgnited: "minecraft:is_ignited"

When added, this component signifies that this entity this currently on fire.

IsIllagerCaptain: "minecraft:is_illager_captain"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is an illager captain.

IsSaddled: "minecraft:is_saddled"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently saddled.

IsShaking: "minecraft:is_shaking"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently shaking.

IsSheared: "minecraft:is_sheared"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently sheared.

IsStackable: "minecraft:is_stackable"

When added, this component signifies that this entity can be stacked.

IsStunned: "minecraft:is_stunned"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently stunned.

IsTamed: "minecraft:is_tamed"

When added, this component signifies that this entity is currently tamed.

Item: "minecraft:item"

If added onto the entity, this indicates that the entity represents a free-floating item in the world. Lets you retrieve the actual item stack contents via the itemStack property.

LavaMovement: "minecraft:lava_movement"

Defines the base movement speed in lava of this entity.

Leashable: "minecraft:leashable"

Allows this entity to be leashed and defines the conditions and events for this entity when is leashed.

MarkVariant: "minecraft:mark_variant"

When added, this component signifies that this entity contains an additional variant value. Can be used to further differentiate variants.

Movement: "minecraft:movement"

Defines the general movement speed of this entity.

MovementAmphibious: "minecraft:movement.amphibious"

When added, this movement control allows the mob to swim in water and walk on land.

MovementBasic: "minecraft:movement.basic"

When added, this component allows the movement of an entity.

MovementFly: "minecraft:movement.fly"

When added, this move control causes the mob to fly.

MovementGeneric: "minecraft:movement.generic"

When added, this move control allows a mob to fly, swim, climb, etc.

MovementGlide: "minecraft:movement.glide"

When added, this movement control allows the mob to glide.

MovementHover: "minecraft:movement.hover"

When added, this move control causes the mob to hover.

MovementJump: "minecraft:movement.jump"

Move control that causes the mob to jump as it moves with a specified delay between jumps.

MovementSkip: "minecraft:movement.skip"

When added, this move control causes the mob to hop as it moves.

MovementSway: "minecraft:movement.sway"

When added, this move control causes the mob to sway side to side giving the impression it is swimming.

NavigationClimb: "minecraft:navigation.climb"

Allows this entity to generate paths that include vertical walls (for example, like Minecraft spiders do.)

NavigationFloat: "minecraft:navigation.float"

Allows this entity to generate paths by flying around the air like the regular Ghast.

NavigationFly: "minecraft:navigation.fly"

Allows this entity to generate paths in the air (for example, like Minecraft parrots do.)

NavigationGeneric: "minecraft:navigation.generic"

Allows this entity to generate paths by walking, swimming, flying and/or climbing around and jumping up and down a block.

NavigationHover: "minecraft:navigation.hover"

Allows this entity to generate paths in the air (for example, like the Minecraft Bees do.) Keeps them from falling out of the skies and doing predictive movement.

NavigationWalk: "minecraft:navigation.walk"

Allows this entity to generate paths by walking around and jumping up and down a block like regular mobs.

Npc: "minecraft:npc"

Adds NPC capabilities to an entity such as custom skin, name, and dialogue interactions.

OnFire: "minecraft:onfire"

When present on an entity, this entity is on fire.

Projectile: "minecraft:projectile"

The projectile component controls the properties of a projectile entity and allows it to be shot in a given direction. This component is present when the entity has the minecraft:projectile component.

PushThrough: "minecraft:push_through"

Sets the distance through which the entity can push through.

Rideable: "minecraft:rideable"

When added, this component adds the capability that an entity can be ridden by another entity.

Riding: "minecraft:riding"

This component is added to any entity when it is riding another entity.

Scale: "minecraft:scale"

Sets the entity's visual size.

SkinId: "minecraft:skin_id"

Skin Id value. Can be used to differentiate skins, such as base skins for villagers.

Strength: "minecraft:strength"

Defines the entity's strength to carry items.

Tameable: "minecraft:tameable"

Defines the rules for an entity to be tamed by the player.

TameMount: "minecraft:tamemount"

Contains options for taming a rideable entity based on the entity that mounts it.

TypeFamily: "minecraft:type_family"

Used to determine the type families the entity belongs to.

UnderwaterMovement: "minecraft:underwater_movement"

Defines the general movement speed underwater of this entity.

Variant: "minecraft:variant"

Used to differentiate the component group of a variant of an entity from others. (e.g. ocelot, villager).

WantsJockey: "minecraft:wants_jockey"

When added, this component signifies that this entity wants to become a jockey.