类 AimAssistPresetSettingsbeta

Settings used with AimAssistRegistry.addPreset for creation of the AimAssistPreset.



defaultItemSettings?: string

Optional. Default aim-assist category Id used for items not provided to setItemSettings.

handSettings?: string

Optional. Aim-assist category Id used for an empty hand.

identifier: string

The unique Id used to register the preset with. Must have a namespace.


  • 返回 string[]

    The array of block/entity Ids.

    Gets the list of block/entity Ids to exclude from aim assist targeting.

  • 返回 Record<string, string>

    The record mapping item Ids to aim-assist category Ids.

    Gets the per-item aim-assist category Ids.

  • 返回 string[]

    The array of item Ids.

    Gets the list of item Ids that will target liquid blocks with aim-assist when being held.

  • 参数

    • 可选targets: string[]

      An array of block/entity Ids.

    返回 void

    Sets the list of block/entity Ids to exclude from aim assist targeting.

  • 参数

    • itemSettings: Record<string, string>

      A record mapping item Ids to aim-assist category Ids. Category Ids must have a namespace.

    返回 void

    Sets the per-item aim-assist category Ids.

  • 参数

    • 可选items: string[]

      An array of item Ids.

    返回 void

    Sets the list of item Ids that will target liquid blocks with aim-assist when being held.