Builds a simple two-button modal dialog.

import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";
import { MessageFormResponse, MessageFormData } from "@minecraft/server-ui";

function showBasicMessageForm(
log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
targetLocation: DimensionLocation
) {
const players = world.getPlayers();

const messageForm = new MessageFormData()
.title("Message Form Example")
.body("This shows a simple example using §o§7MessageFormData§r.")
.button1("Button 1")
.button2("Button 2");

.then((formData: MessageFormResponse) => {
// player canceled the form, or another dialog was up and open.
if (formData.canceled || formData.selection === undefined) {

log(`You selected ${formData.selection === 0 ? "Button 1" : "Button 2"}`);
.catch((error: Error) => {
log("Failed to show form: " + error);
return -1;
import { world, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server";
import { MessageFormResponse, MessageFormData } from "@minecraft/server-ui";

function showTranslatedMessageForm(
log: (message: string, status?: number) => void,
targetLocation: DimensionLocation
) {
const players = world.getPlayers();

const messageForm = new MessageFormData()
.title({ translate: "permissions.removeplayer" })
.body({ translate: "accessibility.list.or.two", with: ["Player 1", "Player 2"] })
.button1("Player 1")
.button2("Player 2");

.then((formData: MessageFormResponse) => {
// player canceled the form, or another dialog was up and open.
if (formData.canceled || formData.selection === undefined) {

log(`You selected ${formData.selection === 0 ? "Player 1" : "Player 2"}`);
.catch((error: Error) => {
log("Failed to show form: " + error);
return -1;

