The logger class is a utility class which allows editor extensions to communicate with the player from the server to the client log window. The logger class presents 4 different output channels which can be used to send information to the client/player, depending on the context of the information.


  • 世界修改


    • message: string

      The message string to send to the log window

    • 可选properties: LogProperties

    返回 void

    A debug output channel generally used during the development process of editor extensions. This channel defaults to hidden in the log window (unless explicitly enabled). Once your editor extension development process is complete, and you're ready to ship/share your extension - we generally recommend that you remove any references to this log channel to avoid a noisy experience for other users

    This function can throw errors.

  • 世界修改


    • message: string

      The message string to send to the log window

    • 可选properties: LogProperties

    返回 void

    The error channel is generally used when the editor extension experiences an error (either a program error in executing logic unexpectedly, or an error in the input or output to/from a player). Use this channel sparingly - it's meant to communicate important problems to the player

    This function can throw errors.

  • 世界修改


    • message: string

      The message string to send to the log window

    • 可选properties: LogProperties

    返回 void

    The info channel is intended to communicate general, non-fatal or non-erroneous information to the player that can generally be safely ignored if they choose to do so.

    This function can throw errors.

  • 世界修改


    • message: string

      The message string to send to the log window

    • 可选properties: LogProperties

    返回 void

    The warning channel is intended to inform the user of "potential" issues (missing inputs, values out of range, things that cannot be found) but are not fatal and execution can still be completed.

    This function can throw errors.