The 3D block cursor is controlled through this read only object and provides the Editor some control over the input methods, display properties and positioning of the 3D block cursor within the world. The 3D block cursor is a native object which is constantly calculating a screen/mouse -> world raycast, and recording the resultant block collision position and facing direction. Depending on the properties of the cursor state, this is not always true – the cursor can also be manually manipulated by keyboard input and moved around independently of mouse movement; when the mouse is moved, the block cursor will return to the mouse/world ray intersection point. The cursor can also be set to either block or face mode; block mode represents the block the mouse is pointing at, and face mode represents the adjacent block that the mouse is pointing at (i.e. the block attached to the face of the intersection point). In practical use, each tool when activated grabs the current cursor state object and stores it. The active tool then sets the current state to represent the functionality of the tool (color, input mode, etc). When the tool loses focus, it restores the cursor state using the stored state object that was grabbed during activation. The 3D block cursor can also be used to query the current block at which the mouse is pointing (or the current block to which the cursor has been manually moved by the user)


faceDirection: number

The face at of the block beneath the 3D block cursor which is intersected by the mouse raycast

This property can throw when used.

isVisible: boolean

Query whether or not the 3D block cursor is visible or hidden

This property can throw when used.


  • 世界修改

    返回 void

    Reset the 3D block cursor to the system default state

    This function can throw errors.

  • 世界修改


    • properties: CursorProperties

      A set of optional parameters within a property state which represent the intended 3D block cursor state

    返回 void

    Set the 3D block cursor properties to a given state

    This function can throw errors.